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10-30-03 - 9:49 a.m.

I think I may be nearing slut status. I had sex with three different guys this week.

Because Dan had utterly no faith in my ability to show up, we had to go to the Farmer's Market. Sundried tomatos, pinenuts, shrimp, red bell pepper, basil, portabello mushrooms . . . We had to ride his bike to the market. I stood stationary as a doll while he fastened my motorcycle helmet, and hopped on. Loved the feeling of the air rushing past me so much that I turned my head and smiled at passing cars, then closed my eyes when we got too close to the approaching traffic. I chatted with his ascberbic sixty something roommate for a large part of the hour and a half it took him to make fettucini with a basil cream sauce. When I first met him, one of the first things he told me was he had been cooking as a hobby for twelve years. It was apparent he knew what he was talking about.

Although I admit I am not the biggest fan of his body, watching him cut vegetables had its own sex appeal. His hands have very happy connotations to me. There are soup cans and tools and books on the table, there are manilla folders and knickknacks on the couch, so we had to eat on wooden trays on his waterbed. Afterwards we kiss and in one swift motion he rolls me on top of him. Last time I saw him I wouldn't have known he had such a suave motion up his sleeve.

I think part of the charm of Dan is that sometimes he is very smooth and other times clumsy. When we actually had sex, there were times when we were clumsily struggling and laughing and to be honest we actually eventually gave up. Despite the fact that he is not my type, he is one of the best lays I have ever had, principally because I know he can get me off without his penis. This is one of the qualities I most definately value in a lover.

There is no way in God's name I am going to fall in love with Dan, but I admit I am starting to enjoy his company. He has a misanthropic sense of humor paired with a certain bashfulness that I find charming in it's very human irony. I don't feel embarassed because we both acknowledge how silly and embarassed we feel from time to time.

My ex-boyfriend Rez came over to my house for a booty call the night before last. I was talking to him on the internet and he showed me some new pictures, and after tellng him how hot he had gotten, he offered to come over and fool around. While he was hot indeed, and I got very steamy fooling around in the back of his car, overall it was quite disappointing. He touched me "down there" as if he thought he was meant to be mashing a potato. I said, "I'm not even going to bother, I don't have the time to teach you." The main sex act lasted (at my estimate) four minutes. It took us 30 mins total to take off our clothes, have sex, put them on, and smoke a cigarette. I gave him a big lecture online, and it seems like it's all ignorance on his part rather than intentional rudeness. I hate to say this, but I still have no regrets. There is a feeling of liberation that comes from satisfying my sex drive.

Dan was much better overall.

BTW, Pill -- I don't think I can make Dan grow on you. Bat is so much more lovable :).



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